Institute of Technology Tralee

websitevisit website
Website International Officevisit international office website
NN-coordinatorGerard O Carroll (
International OfficeLila O Donnell (, phone +353 66 719 1718)
Erasmus CodeIRLTRALEE01
Erasmus Charta28386

The Institute of Technology Tralee (ITT) is a higher education institution situated in south west Ireland on the Atlantic coast. ITT has over 3,000 students and is currently working with Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) to become the Munster Technological University (MTU).
The Institute has three main schools : Business, Computing & Humanities; Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics; Health & Social Sciences. It offers an extensive range of courses at certificate, degree, honours degree, masters and PhD.
Degree programmes include : Agriculture, Biological & Pharmaceutical, Business & Management, Construction, Creative Media, Engineering, Environmental, Food, Culinary Arts & Cookery, Health, Leisure & Fitness, Hospitality & Hotel Management, Information Science/Systems, Music, TV & Radio, Nursing, Outdoor Activity, Renewable / Energy, Social Sciences, Computing & Technology, Tourism & Wildlife.