Universidade de Vigo

Websitevisit homepage
Website (english)visit english homepage
Website International Projects Officevisit international office website
NN-coordinatorEva Garea Oya
International Projects OfficeUniversidade de Vigo. Campus Universitarios. Edificio Filomena Dato. 36310 Vigo. Spain
Erasmus CodeE VIGO01
Erasmus Charter29447-LA-1-2014-1-ES-E4AKA1-ECHE

The Universidade de Vigo is a young public academic institution officially founded in 1990 that has managed to consolidate itself in time as a reference of modernity and innovation in Galicia. It has three main objectives: to provide higher education services with high quality rates and oriented to promote work placements among its students, giving priority to internationalisation; to promote a basic and applied research through competitive research groups at an international level; and to transfer its knowledge and scientific advances to the society in order to foster an intelligent, sustainable and integrating growth of all its surrounding territory.

The Universidade de Vigo is organised in three Campuses, placed in three different cities, Vigo, Pontevedra and Ourense- all of them in the South of Galicia, Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. On the Shanghai Ranking it was on the top 500, ranking between the 400th and 500th.

Courses regarding the European Integration process at the UVIGO are present at all educative levels of the institution, with 25 Jean Monnet actions, including three Jean Monnet Chairs, one Ad Personam Jean Monnet Chair, one Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, 16 Jean Monnet Modules, 3 Jean Monnet projects with schools and 1 Jean Monnet Network, whose aim is to train staff specialised in territorial cooperation, to contribute to the European construction through cohesion and to spread the history of the European Union.

The general objectives of the Universidade de Vigo concerning the internationalisation are to promote the exchange of professors, researchers, students and administrative staff and to prepare them for the global labour market; to gain recognition in the international education market, establishing strategic partnerships, and internationalising the teaching and research; to promote innovative international projects within a framework of multilateral and cross-border cooperation and to attract and retain the best.

The UVigo has participated in the last 25 years in more than 140 EU international education funded projects. Our institution has proven to have an outstanding experience in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships call with 40 proposals approved, in the Capacity Building call with 18 Erasmus+ CBHE projects, in 9 Erasmus Mundus actions, in the Erasmus+ Sports call with 4 projects, in the Knowledge Alliances call with 2 projects, in 3 Creative Europe projects, in 2 Europe for citizens proposals, 1 Edulink project with Africa or in 1 KA3 Support for Policy Reform Initiative, among others.

Universidad de León

Website visit website
Website International Officevisit international office
NN-coordinatorRafael de Paz Urueña
International Officevisit info for international students
Erasmus CodeE LEON01
Erasmus PIC Code999453372

Brief description

The Universidad de Léon (ULe) is an active public HEI with two campuses located in the cities of León and Ponferrada. ULE serves a population of 12.000 students in a varied menu of 38 undergraduate degrees, 30 graduate degrees and 14 doctoral programs offered by 26 Departments in 13 Faculties and 125 research groups. It offers a full range of undergraduate, master’s and postgraduate degrees adapted to the European Higher Education Area in all branches of knowledge, organized in 10 different schools: Engineering, Economics, Education, Languages and Philosophy, Veterinary, Biology, Law, Health Sciences, Mining Engineering and Agricultural Engineering. It is assisted with 9 Research Institutes and 2 Technological Centres. 820 teaching staff members, 80% of them with a Doctoral degree. 535 administrative staff. In 2023 It has a budget of 128 million Euro. ULE started institutional international exchange programs in 1987 and today sends 440 students to EU destinations and 120 to non-EU institutions and receives an average of 500 foreign students.

ULe complements its teaching and research activities with a wide variety of training workshops, university extension courses, cultural and sporting activities, boosting business creation, supporting innovation, international cooperation and exchange, working with both young and older people… all of this with the aim of becoming an integral part of our community.

ULe has strong links with institutions and companies with more than 2,400 agreements and collaboration frameworks and has signed bilateral exchange agreements with prestigious Universities from more than 40 countries.


University of Oviedo

Websitevisit website
Website in English

visit website
Website International Officevisit website international office
Website Faculty of Commerce, Tourism and Social Sciences visit website and info international students
NN-coordinatorCristina López Duarte (facjov.movilidad@uniovi.es)
International OfficeJovellanos Faculty of Commerce, Tourism and Social Sciences
Laboral – Ciudad de la Cultura
Luis Moya Blanco 261
33203 Gijón
Tel.: +34 985 18 21 62
Fax: +34 985 18 21 61
Erasmus CodeE OVIEDO01
Erasmus Charta29551

Brief description

The University of Oviedo is one of the oldest in Spain. It has existed for more than four centuries.
Currently, more than 25.000 students attend the University of Oviedo. The prestige of the University is recognised and rests on its teaching and research in various fields: Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences, Experimental Sciences, Medicine and Technology.

Info sheet