NN Steering Committee

The organisation of the steering committee

SC members:  The steering committee (SC) comprises five members. Their main task is to organise the NN conferences and to support and accompany the network’s development.  Three of these members constitute the ‘core’ of the committee as they are elected  for three years running. Each year, one of these members leaves the committee while a new members joins it. Re-election is possible. Moreover, there are two  ‘peripheral members’ who are directly involved in the organisation of the annual meetings.  One of them has hosted the previous year’s meeting, the other one is there to prepare the following  year’s conference.

The network aims at having a minimum of three different countries represented in the committee but no country should have more than two active SC representatives. In 2009, Thomas Hoffmann, one of the NN founding fathers, was elected as an honorary member of the  SC at the conference in Izmir in 2009.

Tasks and Activities: The steering committee meets at the beginning of each year usually at one of the conference venues. Further meetings are held during international conferences such as the EAIE  where the steering committee organises a dinner for all  NN members present.

Finance: Steering Committee meetings are financed by the SC member institutions, if possible through ERASMUS-OM funding.

Current NN Steering Committee:

Joanna Bednarz (PL)
Banu Durukan (TR)
Jenny Ettrich (DE)
Roelijn Kok (NL)
Regina Parzer (AT)
Thomas Hoffmann (DE) – Standing Honorary Member

Contact: NiceNetworkSC@googlegroups.com20160613-nice-0076